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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

HRO’s Language Barrier: Origins and Implications

HRO’s Language Barrier: Origins and Implications

Getting over the language barrier is more easy than some people make it to look like. Simply put your service center that has to support multiple languages outside of the EU to support EU countries. Near to the EU I might also add...such as Ukarine or even Russia. Many people there know multiple language and can support Europe quite well...I have proven this running a 10 language call center from Eurasia myself. The cost are a drop in the bucket and well worth the risk even when you factor all the little cost there and there that are just part of doing business. It is not impossible to run an entirely legal back office in those countries, save money and make a profit.

Stop wasting your time thinking Czech, Poland, Romania, or Bulgaria will save you money. Just as in Hungary...the labor cost will creep up on you and you will wish you never took that 5 year office lease overlooking the skyline. Don't fall for that and get yourself a better facilities manager if they are telling you to stay within certain countries.

China, India, Philippines...forget about it!


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