Welcome to Greg Cardenas' Global Recruiting Process Outsourcing Executives Blog

Welcome to Greg Cardenas' Global Recruiting Process Outsourcing Executives Blog

This is where we tell it like it is...leave your ego at the office!

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

HRO - RPO Technology - Next step in implementing a global services model

Ok, so you have managed to establish a network of vendors to support you in your efforts to implement and deliver Global HRO services.  That is great!  Now we must move on to the next phase…
HRO and RPO, among other forms of HR related outsourcing services requires the use of technology to drive the standardization and process which ultimately you will implement.  There are many point solutions that can handle the task of recruiting, compensation, payroll, benefits administration, document management, training, performance management, etc.  I will focus on one as what I am about to inform you applies to all.
In the case of recruiting, Taleo has been leading the ATS industry getting more large Fortune 500 companies to implement and use their system.  I actually was part of the team to implement the first global rollout of Taleo when the system was called Recruitsoft in 2001.  However, I have been recently disappointed by Taleo for a variety of reasons.  For those recruiters out there that use the system…I think you will understand me very well.
For starters, the system has been over-engineered.  This means that it no longer serves its original purpose.  It has been engineered to a point now that it goes well beyond the scope of recruiting.  They even changed the name to somewhat imply this concept of Talent Management.  My point is simple.  You don’t need to confuse the full-life-cycle of an employee from recruiting.  Recruiting is about getting people to join a company and start the life-cycle once they become employees. 
This has resulted in Taleo to incorporate too much functionality that simply waste recruiter time and has a direct impact on productivity.  If you can create a new requisition in less than 4 clicks…you are ahead of the game.  If you have not developed to that stage…have already lost the so called “value-proposition” Taleo likes to peddle.  If you are not automatically inviting the top 5 so called ACE candidates for an interview (for whatever reason) you have already lost.  If your recruiters are spending 50% or more of their time looking at a Taleo interface throughout the day and not sourcing…you have already lost.  My point -  Taleo has too many bells and whistles that take focus from what recruiting is all about – filling the vacancy…NOT offer letters, onboarding, college relations, etc. 
Taleo’s days as a leading ATS are limited.  There is a new technology that will bring the simplification of recruiting back to how it should be that will work much better for the RPO industry.  One built for the RPO industry and for any corporation to gets it.  You don’t need a Formula 1 car to drive across town when the speed limit is 30 MPH and a Hummer can do the same for less cost.  I think you know what I mean.
We will talk about the process of how to do the work (delivery of HRO services) in my next blog post.  You will better understand why keeping it simple will be key to success.  In the meantime…save your money on expensive, over-engineered systems and point solutions.  This is what your customer expect remember – a radical solution that delivers the goods and saves money.  You can’t do it and you won’t succeed doing it the same way as your customer does it today. 
Ok, gotta go and start a Web 2.0 Revolution somewhere ;)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

NEW: Peggy -- Reward Options - Discover Card Commercial

Many U.S. Parents Outsourcing Child Care Overseas

YouTube - Funny Doritos Commercial 2011 - Outsourcing - 2011 Funniest Commercials

YouTube - Funny Doritos Commercial 2011 - Outsourcing - 2011 Funniest Commercials

Ohhh snack!

HRO’s Language Barrier: Origins and Implications

HRO’s Language Barrier: Origins and Implications

Getting over the language barrier is more easy than some people make it to look like. Simply put your service center that has to support multiple languages outside of the EU to support EU countries. Near to the EU I might also add...such as Ukarine or even Russia. Many people there know multiple language and can support Europe quite well...I have proven this running a 10 language call center from Eurasia myself. The cost are a drop in the bucket and well worth the risk even when you factor all the little cost there and there that are just part of doing business. It is not impossible to run an entirely legal back office in those countries, save money and make a profit.

Stop wasting your time thinking Czech, Poland, Romania, or Bulgaria will save you money. Just as in Hungary...the labor cost will creep up on you and you will wish you never took that 5 year office lease overlooking the skyline. Don't fall for that and get yourself a better facilities manager if they are telling you to stay within certain countries.

China, India, Philippines...forget about it!


The Future of HR May Get Written By Northgate Arinso | ZDNet

The Future of HR May Get Written By Northgate Arinso | ZDNet

Let's not get carried away...I remember how hard it was for the Brits to embrace global HR standardization just 10 years ago. Though most of my HR colleagues in UK seem to get it these days. I still have yet to see anything revolutionary come from Europe that is any different than the stuff the Americans have been peddling.


Watch out for developing "HR" countries!

I have had a chance to travel nearly 25% of the countries that exist today in the world.  What has been clear is the globalization continues to push under developed countries to push their capabilities and skills to new levels.  However this does not happen as you may think unless you spend some time on the ground in some of the places I have been to.  So as to not offend my HR colleagues in the "sensitive" spots of the world, I will not name countries publicly as some crazy ass colleagues may go postal - that is no joke by the way.

He is how it happens.  First the Western company sets up a respresentative office in the country they want to operate in.  Everyone is happy as the Westerners see this as a good step in their global expansion efforts.  A country manager is hired that is local.  People are trained on how they are preferred to do this to some level of consistency and best practice as offered by the Western company they now work for.  Not so fast.  They just figured out how you operate and how to use that against you to screw you.

So you need to hire some staff.  The new country HR manager or director may even have a team of recruiters...though working on a very low salary.  Just telling it like it is...or we would not have opened up shop there - right Western company?  Ok, so next the HR leader determines which positions the team will work to fill and which will not be up to the team.  Why, because these are going to go to the "broker".  This is a staffing firm that is working much like a contingency or executive search firm in the West.  However this is just a front.  What happens next is the HR leader may tell the broker to send them an invoice for a placement fee.  Keep in mind that the broker has done nothing.  That is because the HR leader already knows who they are going to hire.  The Western company pays the fee and guess what?  The HR leader, the broker, and sometimes the person hired get part of the placement fee cut!

So, you might think...how can I avoid this.  You could tell the HR team abroad that no placement fees will be allowed.  Good idea huh?  Yes and no - because the corruptive culture of some countries staff members will adapt.  This means they will find another way to extort money from the process.  Guess who they get it from?  The new staff hired!  During the interview process they make people pay to be given the jobs!  In this case, the recruiters help screen those that "get it" or "don't get it".  They often hire referrals from staff that tell their friends what is expected when they interview.

So what can you do when this is what you are up against?  Make sure jobs are posted online so everyone can apply to them...but not by sending and emailed resume to the HR or recruiting team.  Have them apply via a secure recruiting web based application like Taleo.  Have the screening done by another vendor...not the recruiting team that posted the jobs.  Have tools that filter the best candidates within the recruiting web app so you know who was best and should have been brought in for interview.  Lastly, hire honest people.  Make them do a lie detector test to determine if they are honest before you hire them into an HR/recruiting role.  Local agencies can do this for you...just make sure they do it in English, or - you guess it, you will get screwed.


Monday, February 7, 2011

The .jobs Universe

The .jobs Universe Not bad...needs a little more debugging but off to a good start.

Converys sells out...what did you expect.

I stand corrected...this was spring of last year...that this went down.

Telling it like it is...the world's first "straight up" honest HRO/RPO blog

I have been in the Global RPO & HRO industry since the very beginning.  I have seen the industry fail to meet many expectations.  There is a right way to do this and a wrong way.  I am going to share with you step by step...how to do it so you can help the industry turn around.  You are encouraged to comment and challenge, however if I know you are talking (or writing) a bunch of bullshit I will call your ass out. 

I developed the first global service delivery model before leaving the US for a development opportunity in Eurasia.  I have seen countless colleagues try to implement bits and pieces of the delivery model I created while at Convergys.  Yet, nobody was successful.  Part of the problem is I left Convergys with the details of how to do it.  It was a bit like my colleagues were left with the map...but without the directions. 

Why did I leave Convergys?  The answer is simple.  They didn't get it.  That is why they have recently got out of the HRO market all together.  John Gibson doesn't know how to to manage global operations - the role was too much for his capability.  That is only part of a larger systemic problem when a company that should have never been in the HRO market gets lucky in landing a big fish (DuPont and Johnson & Johnson).  If they were smart they would have let the CoE leads run the show...not a bunch of arroagant wanna-bees that ended up losing it all.  Like I said, I will keep it real for all of us.

It's going to be fun...stay tuned as this will probaby become the most "straight up honest" HR blog in history.  Share the link with your friends and subscribe for the RSS feeds.  If you have any questions, please post them or email them to me.  I will make sure everything interesting gets attentions.


Step 1: Implementing Global RPO

In order to implement any global rpo services delivery model you will need a few things to establish.  Number 1 is you have got to have your house in order.  If your operations are not ready...you are not ready...so don't even try it.  If you are going to go after global fish...you need to have global capability.  If that is yours -great, if not you will need to establish partners you can work with to deliver.  That said, it is not easy to find partners all over the world to help you. Especially if you want them to do it your way.  So in this case, it is best to find partners that can at least fullfill a certain level of KPI or SLA to ensure you can deliver.  This may mean you may have to require training them to do it right if they are not used to your way of doing things. 

You are going to need vendors...don't think you can do this by yourself...not even IBM, Accenture and Convergys could!  Be practical and keep it real.  Learn to partner and share in the profit or die...it is that simple.

Keep in mind that in some less developed countries HR is just as corrupted as the governments that run the show.  So don't expect honest business to be done there.  Even if they say it is honest...you have no idea how you can get screwed.  I know exactly how they pull the fast one over Western firms that are not used to the way of the dark side in some parts of the world.  That is however what it is and nobody is going to change that...so don't even try you will get them to be honest with you.  I will address this topic in my next posting.

For now just focus on the relationships you need to have a vast network of suppliers ready to go.  Keep in mind your client may want you to use some of theirs if you will be managing their vendors.  If this is the case, you may want to tell them...NO, I DONT THINK SO.  We will manage them for now, but eventually if they don't cut it, we WILL replace them.  How to go about that will be explained later.  It is not as easy as just finding another vendor...as you can make enemies real quick in some parts of the world.

Look for partners that have done business with the West and also know English...if they get it...they will know English it is that simple.  Get it, I mean as in they know what to expect from you in terms of expectations.  Some have no idea how western companies operate and think KPIs from the west are impossible to meet.  That in some cases is ture...as the way things are done outside developed countries is another whole ball of wax.

When you have built you internal or external delivery network you are ready for the next step.  Are you ready?  Stay tuned...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

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2nd favorite site for watching movies online. if you have a better one please share.

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good site for watching movies online.

Nobody has implemented full life cycle RPO...

To date, I am not aware of any one RPO outsourcing company that has beyond signing a contract to fully outsource RPO globally - to have actually pulled it off.
Outsourcing elements of recruiting is not what I am referring to.  Anyone can say they have outsourced recruiting to India to source candidates on Monster - my daughter can do the same and she's still in high school.
My point here is everyone has failed...and if you think I am not correct - please chime in.  NOBODY has managed to fully outsource recruiting on a global basis.  Why?
Because they don't have a good methodology to pull it off.  In the weeks and months to come...I will let you in on how it can work using my own methodology.  Why is my method better.  Because the last 6 years I have watched everyone fail and know why.  Don't get me wrong, I developed the first global services delivery model for GRPO but did not implement it before leaving Convergys for another opportunity in Europe.
During this time I have been fine tuning my original service delivery model and implementing it via a phased approach...now however is time for me to share the secrets with you.
It is time for the Cardenas Methodology for implementing Global RPO.  If you are an executive in the field...you might want to stay tuned...as I was the first to solve how to do it.
I will share with you step by step...and don't think just because IBM, Kenexa, Alexander Mann, Accenture, etc., are signing deals that they have a clue how to do it.  They are peddling the same stuff that has never worked.  Don't get offended colleagues if you are working for one of the big service providers out there...it is time we keep it real - thus my blog.
Thanks for joining...more to come!

RPO Execs...wake up!

The time is now to figure our how to roll out global holistically RPO services before the industry and your clients give up on you. If you need help...you might want to contact me. If you are doing fractional RPO work now...such as posting jobs online for a recruiter in the States...that is hardly RPO - any virtual assistant can do that! Do it all and do it right or get out of the kitchen :)

Gregorio Cardenas gcardenasv@hotmail.com Global RPO Executives Only - Cardenas Methodologyhttp://lnkd.in/K5sCRv Finally a forum just for us executives and leaders of our industry. Share you ideas, challenges and opportunities with your peers around the world. We all know there is a better way to do this! Now is the time to implement a practical global solution - learn more about Cardenas Methodology and have success.